Thursday, July 26, 2012

Service Projects on the farm -Yep .., Great Idea!

This group of Girl Scouts came from a neighboring school to release beneficial lady bugs. Thanks girls!
Since there is always a "Farm List" a mile long, we gladly open our gates to friends in need of service projects! It is a win - win situation! We get kids who want to be helpful, tackle some of our big projects and it helps the farm out tremendously. It also creates a community bond and connects people in ways that may not have happened otherwise.

I like to think that it is that old fashioned farm value system. The do unto others, what comes around goes around, the common good,  or just the feelings that you feel when you give back and help others. It makes our farm a better place and the people who give and receive better people. It's all farm good! Keep those service projects coming!

Eagle Scout Will Aman and Troop 473 Sport Court Project

Our PTA had $2500 in their budget to paint our school's sport court. These boy scouts did the job so that the money could be shifted to our farm projects. Thanks Troop 473!

Eagle Scout Alec Permenter Troop 890
These scouts from Troop 890 wanted to help our school. We were in need of some composting bins for our farm. They planned the project, came up with the supplies and carried out the project. They even left us a great pitch fork and shovel scoop. Thanks Troop 890!
Scouts from Troop 890 - Compost Bin Project

With the help from community service groups, there are so many projects that can be tackled. We have had great success working with these groups and have more big projects lined up. 

E I E I O..., watch us grow!

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