Friday, July 11, 2014

Seeds Across America

We love making new farm friends and our partnerships continue to 
offer great things to our farm and our students. We have met a new friend who is working on a National project called Gardens Across America. Through Social Media, we received the opportunity to be a part of this project. Joseph Simcox collects seeds from all over the world and keeps data on them. He sent us special seeds that would work in our climate and we planted them right away. The one thing that we need to do is document through photography and collect seeds to send back to him. Here is what we have started so far.

These are some of our crops that are growing from our special seeds.

Our farm partners continue to give us great experiences. This time it is from all over the world. Thank you Joseph Simcox and  Seeds Across America!

1 comment:

  1. HI Kim, Could you please change the URL under Joseph's last photo to his personal website at
