Saturday, March 29, 2014

American Heart Association Celebration - Farm Style

This year marks our third year in the garden business and our partnership with American Heart Association. Having a school farm has given us many opportunities for learning and fun! We are so proud of our farm and the learning that takes place out there on a regular basis. We are growing healthy kids, who are learning more and more about the Earth, nutrition and themselves. 

Our partnership with American Heart Association has been a great benefit to our school community. Not only did they help finance our grass roots movement, they continue to support us with curriculum, volunteer hours and recognition for all of our accomplishments.

The kids rotated through three lessons on the farm. They learned about chlorophyll and the role that it plays in photosynthesis. At the chicken coop, they learned the difference between free range and caged chickens, as well as the difference in their eggs. The kids also got to check out the progress in their square foot garden space where they weeded, harvested and some needed to replant. 

We had many volunteers who spent the day with us. They helped with planting, lessons and working the compost.

The rain held off until 5 minutes after the last class came out. Which was perfect for watering our new Spring crops. Check back often to watch our progress and our mission of Hatching Healthiness!

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